Flexible Pricing Plans.
Choose the right plan for you. If you need help, contact us here. Our technical staff is waiting for you. Sign up for our WordPress support and WordPress maintenance plans.
WordPress Support Plans pricing
Depending on what you need… We can acommodate.
No contracts required.
Small Business
Low traffic websites, information websites, corporate websites.
Weekly updates
24/7 Security Monitoring
Hacked Website Repair ($99/incident)
Monthly Secure Offsite Backups
Uptime Monitoring
Plugin & Theme Updates
*WordPress version updates
SPAM & Revisions Cleanup
Database Optimization
Monthly Security Scans
Weekly Service Reports
Unlimited Ticket/Email Support
¡Subscribe here!
Medium Scale
Popular blogs and websites, products and services, some e-commerce websites.
Weekly updates
24/7 Security Monitoring
Hacked Website Repair
Weekly Secure Offsite Backups
Uptime Monitoring (real time email alerts)
Performance Check
E-Commerce Support
Multisite Support
Plugin & Theme Updates
*WordPress version updates
SPAM & Revisions Cleanup
Database Optimization
Weeky Security Scans
Monthly Reports
Unlimited Priority Ticket/Email Support
¡Subscribe here!
High Maintenance
High volume of users, traffic and pages, large databases or very popular websites, blogs and stores.
Daily updates
24/7 Security Monitoring
Hacked Website Repair
Daily Secure Offsite Backups
Uptime Monitoring (real time alerts push/bullet and email)
Performance Check
E-Commerce Support
Multisite Support
Plugin & Theme Updates
*WordPress version updates
SPAM & Revisions Cleanup
Database Optimization
Daily Security Scans
Monthly Reports
Priority Ticket/Email Support
Consulting & Suggestions
¡Subscribe here!
Maintenance plans features
Updates are imperative to the health of your WordPress website. The open-source platform, plugins, and themes regularly release updated versions of their software for various reasons, such as security patches, bug fixes, or simply to stay up-to-date with current technology trends. Website owners who do not keep their WordPress sites updated are prone to be vulnerable to viruses, malware, and website hacks.
Our team is dedicated to the health and success of your WordPress website by completing updates on a weekly basis. You can sit back, relax, and focus on your business while we devote our time to maintaining your WordPress, plugin, and theme updates.
An updated website is a secured one. WordPress core, theme and plugin updates are performed on your live production website.
It’s unfortunate, but viruses, malware, and hackers work 24 hours around the clock. You don’t. Our security monitoring does. Don’t wake up to a
website that has been hacked or is infected with malware. Allow us to
monitor it 24 hours a day, seven days per week. If anything out of the
ordinary does happen, we are alerted and will notify you quickly.
In the event your website is hacked, have no fear. With our partners at Web Security Agency we'll have your website fixed and running again in no time. A subscription to any of our maintenance plans is required.
With a secure offsite backup, your website data is stored separately from your website core. This disaster recovery process is part of our regular maintenance service, giving you the confidence you need to know that should something unusual occur on your website, it can be recovered and restored easily, as if nothing ever happened.
You’re busy running a business. Let us monitor your website uptime. If your
website goes down, we will receive a notification and keep you informed. Is there a pattern for frequent downtime? We can make recommendations to eliminate that.
What’s happening with your website and why? Get all those answers with
our performance check report. Learn the ins and outs of your website’s
performance, including a breakdown of factors affecting your website and
recommendations for improvement. With regular Performance Checks, you can analyze the performance of your website over time, learning what
works, what doesn’t, and informing your decision of what to do next.
If you have an E-Commerce website, you will need to sign up with our Medium Scale or High maintenance plan.
If you have a multisite installation, you will need to sign up with our Medium Scale or High maintenance plan. There may be an additional charge for multisite installations.
Stay informed of your website’s updates with professionally prepared weekly reports from WPSensors, delivered right to your email inbox. Remain aware of every action taken to secure and maintain your WordPress
WPSensors offers multiple ways for you to request support, and one of them is by email. Did you know that most consumers prefer email communications over all others? If that sounds like you, rest your mind
knowing you can request support and assistance through one of thefollowing methods:
- Obtain support through our Open a Ticket form
- Submit a request through our Client Portal
- Email us at [email protected]
We use only premium software to support the most difficult and important tasks. As long as your using our service, you will get BackBuddy Pro and iThemes Security Pro, watching over your backups and securing your site with two-factor authentication and internal scanning. Licenses will be installed on your WordPress instance.
Exclusive Newsletter
We run an exclusive and very informative newsletter, all About WordPress. Exclusively for members of WPSensors.

Available to all plans
You will get a higher security protection plan with our partner site Web Security Agency.
We will activate WSA's Antivirus, web malware protection, vulnerabilities protection and hacking protection services at no extra cost, as part of your subscription with us.
We scan sites 24/7 and automatically remove redirects, Trojans, backdoors, shell scripts and other malicious code from PHP, JS, HTML, images, system files and even binary files.